Ras Disha Hurghada
Here at this fringing reef in the Red Sea near Hurghada you have a real fish tank feel with of the presence of large groupers, tunas and barracudas
Dive Site Details
Here at this fringing reef in the Red Sea near Hurghada you have a real fish tank feel with the presence of large groupers, tuna and barracuda.
Ras Disha is also known by the name of Torfa Ras Disha or Disha Malagk. It’s situated 90 minutes from central Hurghada, Sheltered from the wind in a natural bay, it’s suitable for any level of diver and ideal for drift dives. Ras Disha stands for ‘fringing reef’.
Ras Disha is a shallow plateau with a sandy bottom. The bottom is profiled by pinnacles and an elliptical erg in the southern region of the site. Going northwest, this plateau takes on the shape of a narrow ledge, allowing access to a steep wall.
The beacon on the main reef serves as a landmark to start drifting along the wall to the north. You will be rewarded with a picturesque display of pinnacles on the plateau.
Your other bet is diving from the mooring network. You start by touring to the drop-off. Subsequently you do a lap describing a half circle hovering over the plateau. In the process you will pass the mentioned pinnacles. One pinnacle specifally, the one that lies closest to the main reef, is particularly photogenetic.
The wall is the place to be for butterflyfish and bannerfish, paired with surgeonfish and parrotfish. The local sandbed is infested with residential marine life. Hiding crustaceans and other invertebrates are hunted by frantically digging moses sole, blue spotted rays and torpedo rays. Gobies and shrimps are on the lookout from their burrows.
The pinnacles at Ras Disha are punctuated with cracks. Together with caverns bursting with glassfish they provide excellent photograpic momentums, having focus on glassfish hunters such as scorpionfish, stonefish, trevally, lionfish and groupers.
Adding to fishtank feelings are bluespotted stingrays, octopuses, threatfin breams and roaming turtles.
The main reef of this system is home to residential crocodilefish, lionfish, grouper, soft and hard coral. When dropping off, you will detect groupers, tuna and barracuda. On the plateau moray, stonefish and table corals are awaiting. Sightings of turtles and reef sharks have been reported.