Abu Nuhas Hurghada
The Red Sea underwater scene of beautiful sheltered reefs here is perfect for new and trained divers with even the odd chance of a dolphin encounter.
Dive Site Details
The Red Sea underwater scene of beautiful sheltered reefs here is perfect for new and trained divers with even the odd chance of a dolphin encounter.
Just north of Shadwan island, a series of reef patches lie agonisingly close to the water surface at the edge of one of the busiest shipping lanes crossing the northern Red Sea.
Abu Nuhas Wreck Location
About 3 to 4 hours of sailing separate Hurghada from the aquatic graveyard at Abu Nuhas. This submerged reef has claimed more vessels than any other in the Red Sea. Numerous wrecks lie here and the area is littered with wreckage from other ships.
The opening of the Suez canal in 1869 established the Red Sea as the most important stretch of water near Egypt. The installation of lighthouses and beacons did not keep up with the increase of the shipping activity, hence the excellent wreck diving found here.
At least four complete wrecks lie here. They are the Chrisoula K, the Kimon M, the Carnatic and the Giannis D.
Abu Nuhas is exposed to current and wind, so swelling waves may be inconvenient for the inexperienced divers.
The Carnatic is widely recognized as the most beautiful wreck on Abu Nuhas. The ship, having fallen victim to stormy conditions en route from Bombay to Suez, has been taken over by swaying curtains of glassfish. Adding to the undisputed photogenic quality of this spot is the presence of groupers, lionfish and jackfish.
Penetration and visibility varies. Of the ships that are ‘ intact’, we also prominently mention the Giannis D. This ship was bound for Jeddah, sailing from Croatia with a large cargo of wood. She was added to the underwater graveyard at Abu Nuhas in 1983.
Like the Carnatic, the Giannis D is exposed to the elements. Currents and swells can cause a massive surge inside the wreck and may cause a challenging struggle for inexperienced divers.
She houses scorpionfish all over its wreck with batfish hanging around over the top. You will encounter jacks and groupers, gathering outside the ship, and meet clouds of glassfish once inside. You will note that free swimming eels are common feature here.
Adding to the diving sensation here is the likeability of a pod of dolphins curiously roaming by in the afternoon.